QuickBooks vs. Xero - Comparing the Customer Support Experience

April 21, 2022

QuickBooks vs. Xero - Comparing the Customer Support Experience

Customer support is a vital aspect of any software. As a business owner, you need assistance when you face any issue. QuickBooks and Xero are two of the most popular accounting software in the market. In this blog post, we will compare their customer support experience, so you can make an informed decision before choosing one of them.

QuickBooks Customer Support

QuickBooks offers several support options. You can contact them via phone, email, or live chat. They also have a community forum where you can post your queries and get answers from other customers or QuickBooks employees.

Let's see what their response time is like.

  • Phone Support: The average wait time is around 10 minutes. Once you get connected, their agents are knowledgeable and ready to help. They try to resolve your issues quickly and efficiently.

  • Live Chat: The average wait time is between 2-5 minutes. You can chat with their agents in real-time and get your issues resolved faster.

  • Email Support: The response time varies from 1 hour to 24 hours, depending on the complexity of the problem.

  • Community Forum: QuickBooks has a highly active and helpful community forum. You can post your query and get responses from other customers or QuickBooks employees within minutes.

Xero Customer Support

Xero also offers various support options. You can contact them via email or live chat. They do not provide any phone support. They also have a community forum where you can post your queries.

Let's see what the response time is like.

  • Live Chat: The average wait time is between 3-5 minutes. Their agents are knowledgeable and helpful. They try their best to resolve your issues as quickly as possible.

  • Email Support: The response time varies from 2 hours to 24 hours, depending on the complexity of the problem.

  • Community Forum: Xero has an active community forum where you can post your query and get responses from other customers. However, QuickBooks' community forum is more active.

QuickBooks vs. Xero - Who Wins?

QuickBooks has better customer support options than Xero. They offer phone support, which Xero doesn't provide. QuickBooks' agents are more knowledgeable and efficient, and the response time is quicker in most cases. However, Xero has a highly active community forum, which is helpful.

In conclusion, QuickBooks wins the customer support comparison with better options and faster response times. However, that does not necessarily mean that Xero offers poor customer support. They still have solid options and do their best to resolve customer issues.


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